The New Hampshire Primary is on Tuesday, September 10th. We have many write in candidates this year and thought a voter guide would be helpful.
If you need a ride to the polls, please email us at . We are happy to help!
Please note: “This communication does not imply an endorsement or favoritism of any kind by the Wolfeboro/Tuftonboro Democrats to any Democratic candidates actively engaged in competitive primary contests.”
Please be sure to:
Vote for Karen Burnett-Kurie
Write in Kayla Hewitt for State Representative as the second candidate. Kayla is undeclared and therefore cannot appear on the Democratic ballot. She is an excellent candidate who represents our values. The Wolfeboro/Tuftonboro Democratic Leadership supports her.
For County Commissioner, 3rd District: please write in Dwight Devork. Do NOT vote for Catherine Dragonfly. She has told us that she does not want to hold this office, and she asks that you write in Dwight Devork
For State Senator, District 3, vote for Bill Marsh.
Vote for Susan Ticehurst County Commissioner District 2.